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  • What is CPAP Machine?
    What is CPAP Machine - Dubai | UAE CPAP stands for “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure” and is most commonly used while sleep as a safe and effective treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) also known as stop breathing while sleeping & snoring. ​ The CPAP pump blows air pressure which then goes through the tube & the mask into the throat. CPAP helps treat sleep apnea by maintaining this flow of pressurized air. The pressure of the air keeps the throat open while you asleep, helping prevent or to reduce apneas from happening. ​ The CPAP machine is used by patients who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep disorder or sleep apnea. CPAP is necessary to ensure that the individual’s airway remains unobstructed and able to transmit oxygen to the lungs. the machine help to treat OSA, such as stop breath while sleeping, loud snoring, sleepiness, lack of energy during the day, or waking up with a very sore throat, you may To find out whether you’re in need of treatment. ​ you may go under sleep study test. Sleep studies can be done in the patient's home or at a sleep lab. Either way, you will need to give your patient a referral or prescription for them to pass on to the sleep study provider. During a sleep study, your patient's breathing, body movements and responses during the night are monitored to see if he or she has a sleep disorder such as sleep apnoea. ​ We provide a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment machines and service for the full range of Sleep Disorders and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders such as Snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), Insomnia, Narcolepsy and associated Neuro-Psychiatric and Medical and Dental conditions. also information and details about Polysomnography (sleep study test) ​ There are 2 types of CPAP machine: ​ 1) CPAP Machine (Fixed Pressure CPAP) ​ 2) Automatic CPAP Machine also called (APAP) Automatic Positive Air Pressure ​ For treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), both CPAP and Automatic CPAP are very effective but which is better? ​ first you have to understand the different ​ Automatic CPAP is designed with a low pressure setting and also a high pressure setting. This range of air pressure in the Automatic CPAP allows it to vibrate automatically to the patient’s breathing needs. please check the below diagram ​ The below image indicates the black line of both a CPAP and APAP. In comparing the CPAP & APAP output pressure , notice CPAP air pressure is constant but APAP pressure rises and falls while sleeping.
  • What Are CPAP Machine Types?
    What Are CPAP Machine Types? - Dubai | UAE There are 2 types of CPAP machine: ​ 1) CPAP Machine (Fixed Pressure CPAP) ​ 2) Automatic CPAP Machine also called (APAP) Automatic Positive Air Pressure ​ For treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), both CPAP and Automatic CPAP are very effective but which is better? ​ first you have to understand the different ​ CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) emits a continuous stream of pressurized room air into a patient’s mask, which mechanically splints open the airway, to eliminate obstructive apneas during sleep. ​ The precise CPAP pressure amount is usually determined during an overnight titration sleep study which occurs in a sleep lab or sleep study. As the patient sleeps, the sleep technician or the doctor will monitor the patient & increase the air pressure throughout the night until the pressure is reached that eliminates all breathing events and/or snoring. This will be the ideal pressure, and the patient’s CPAP device at home will be calibrated with this pressure. The ideal air pressure is the amount of air pressure that is takes to eliminate all apneas, hypopneas, flow limitations and snoring. ​ ​ Automatc CPAP (APAP) is similar to a CPAP machine in that it also emits pressurized room air into the patient’s airway, but unlike CPAP that only provides one fixed pressure, Auto CPAP has the added feature of providing a range of air pressure (Variable pressure) to meet the patient’s particular changing breathing needs while sleeping. ​ ​ Automatic CPAP is designed with a low pressure setting and also a high pressure setting. This range of air pressure in the Automatic CPAP allows it to vibrate automatically to the patient’s breathing needs. please check the below diagram ​ The below image indicates the black line of both a CPAP and APAP. In comparing the CPAP & APAP output pressure , notice CPAP air pressure is constant but APAP pressure rises and falls while sleeping.
  • How to Find and Choose the Best CPAP Masks for Me?
    How to Find and Choose the Best CPAP Masks for Me? - Dubai | UAE There are 3 CPAP mask Types: 1) Nasal Pillows Mask 2) Nasal Mask 3) Full Face Mask - If you breathe through your mouth & Nose, you may need a full face mask which covers Nose & Mouth - If you breath only from your nose you may use Nasal or Nasal Pillows Mask - The difference between (Nasal Mask) & (Nasal Pillows Mask) Is that the (Nasal Mask) Covers the Nose Surface while the (Nasal Pillows Mask) goes inside the nose nostrils However please note the following: Nasal Pillow CPAP Mask Nasal Pillow masks are lightweight, compact designs that provide minimal contact with the face. Nasal pillows rest at the entrance of the nostrils, creating a seal that channels pressurized air directly into your nose. A nasal pillow CPAP mask works best with low- to mid-pressure prescriptions, as the direct airflow can be uncomfortable at higher settings. Because nasal pillows are so small and compact, they can be a great solution for people who get claustrophobic wearing larger masks. Nasal pillows can also be the answer for patients with facial hair who have difficulty getting an effective seal on larger nasal or full face masks. One major caveat for nasal pillows is they will not be effective for sleepers who breathe through their mouth. Nasal pillow CPAP masks are a good option if you: ● Experience claustrophobia with larger mask options ● Toss and turn in your sleep ● Have a lot of facial hair ● Breathe through your nose Avoid a nasal pillow CPAP mask if you: ● Suffer from allergies that block the sinuses ● Are prone to nasal dryness ● Require a high-pressure CPAP setting ● Breathe primarily through your mouth Nasal CPAP Mask A nasal CPAP mask covers the bridge of the nose to the upper lip area, delivering a more indirect and natural airflow than the nasal pillow mask. For this reason, a nasal mask is often recommended for CPAP patients who require high-pressure settings. With plenty of versatile options to choose from, the nasal CPAP mask is a popular compromise between the lightweight nasal pillow and bulkier full-face CPAP mask. Nasal CPAP masks are a good option if you: ● Move around a lot in your sleep ● Want a wide variety of mask options to choose from ● Require a high-pressure CPAP machine setting ● Prefer a more natural airflow Avoid a nasal CPAP mask if you: ● Breathe primarily through your mouth ● Have lots of facial hair (mustache) that compromises seal ● Have trouble breathing through your nose due to a medical condition, like severe allergies Full Face CPAP Mask Unlike nasal pillows and nasal masks that seal exclusively on the nose, a full face CPAP mask covers both the nose and mouth. In order to create a CPAP seal on both airways, full face masks cover a larger surface area of the face. While the bulky size of a full face mask can be uncomfortable some people, they are a great solution for patients with high-pressure CPAP prescriptions or who breathe through their mouth. In fact, for many patients, a full face mask is the only realistic option for effective CPAP therapy. One of the common drawbacks of a full face mask is the larger surface area means a greater likelihood of leaks. A full face mask can also be an issue for patients with beards or facial hair that interfere with the mask seal. Also, the bulkiness of some full face masks can be problematic for active sleepers who move a lot during the night. Full face CPAP masks are a good option if you: ● Require a high-pressure CPAP setting ● Breathe primarily through your mouth
  • What is the Difference Between CPAP and BiPAP Therapy? CPAP Vs BiPAP
    What is the Difference Between CPAP and BiPAP Therapy? CPAP Vs BiPAP- Dubai | UAE CPAP – Continioius Positive Airway Pressure BiPAP – Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure It’s also important to know that both CPAP and BiPAP are NON-invasive modes of ventilation that just means that we are not required to insert a tube (endotracheal tube for mechanical ventilation). The main difference between BiPAP and CPAP devices is that BiPAP machines have two pressure settings: one pressure for inhalation (IPAP), and a lower pressure for exhalation (EPAP). While the CPAP Has 1 setting for inhalation only The BiPAP machine is designed to increase the pressure when you inhale to keep the airways in the nose and throat from closing while you are sleeping, and provide a lower pressure during exhalation that continues to maintain an open airway. Many patients find BiPAP more comfortable than the single pressure delivered by CPAP machines. BiPAP may also be used for patients who require some breathing assistance. BiPAP has been prescribed for patients who have congestive heart failure and other serious diseases affecting the heart and lungs. iPAP machines and CPAP machines often cater to different needs People with nerve and muscle problems may better benefit from the BiPAP machine rather than the CPAP machine. BiPAP machines can be set to make sure that users breathe a set number of times per minute. The difference in inhalation and exhalation pressures reduces the work of breathing breathing, and allows the person to have a more restful sleep. These are some reasons BiPAP machines are sometimes used as a treatment method when CPAP has failed to adequately treat their sleep disordered breathing. The CPAP machine is usually used to treat mild to moderate sleep apnea. But depending on the severity of sleep apnea, doctors may recommend a BiPAP machine instead. Patients requiring high levels of CPAP pressure are often more comfortable using BiPAP. Sourse:

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